IntroductionLearning disability (LD) affects many school-going children and is seldom recognized or treated. As teachers spend time with students, they can easily recognize LD by observing academic activities and behaviors. In this context, the present study was conducted to assess the knowledge and practices of teachers regarding LD and evaluate the impact of an educational intervention on teachers' knowledge regarding LD and its screening and referral.
MethodsA pre-experimental study, including pre-post interventional assessments of teachers, was conducted from June 2018 to December 2019. A universal sample of 150 teachers from 10 schools teaching primary (first to fifth grade) and upper primary (sixth to eight grade) grades was included. Their knowledge about LD was assessed using the Dyslexia Assessment for the Languages of India (DALI), and an educational intervention for assessing, screening, and identifying LD was implemented. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24.0 (IBM Inc., Armonk, New York). Using descriptive statistics (mean, median, and standard deviation). The prepost test results were compared using the McNemar test.
ResultsOverall knowledge about LD was 24.7% at baseline, and improved to 76% post-intervention (p<0.001). The knowledge for most of the components showed improvement. Teachers with a good level of knowledge increased from 21% to 84%. Post-intervention screening of students increased from 0.53% to 13.37%. The suspicion rate for LD increased from 0.04% to 1.94% post-intervention.
ConclusionKnowledge about LD was poor among the school teachers. However, the overall knowledge about LD, its specific domains, screening as well as actual LD screening significantly improved after the intervention (p<0.001). This emphasizes the need of training primary and post-primary school teachers about LD and the services available for children with LD.