The aim of the work is to identify the patterns of the dissolved oil (DO) field structure in the Sevastopol Bay waters and the factors conditioning its state, to compare the obtained result with the available ideas on large-scale distribution of the water quality indicators on the area under study, to evaluate the current trend of the dissolved oil field state, to consider the relationship between the fields of the dissolved oil concentration, the total suspended matter (TSM) and the dissolved organic matter (DOM). Methods and Results. Based on the data of a series of the oceanological expeditions carried out by Marine Hydrophysical Institute and Institute of Natural and Technical Systems in 1999-2018, the structure of the dissolved oil content field in the Sevastopol Bay (the Black Sea) and the forming it factors are considered. The obtained result is compared with the known structural regularities of the hydrochemical elements' fields. A tendency of the state of the dissolved oil concentration field is assessed. The relationship between the fields of the dissolved oil concentration, total suspended matter and the dissolved organic matter is considered. Conclusions. It is shown that the structure of the dissolved oil content field is conditioned by interaction of the polluted waters in the Sevastopol Bay apex (spacious maximum of the substance concentration was revealed in the region of the Neftyanaya Harbor) with the pure Black Sea waters in its western region. The characteristic structural element of the field under investigation is a wellpronounced meridian frontal section observed on the Southern Bay traverse. Significant local maximum values in the dissolved oil field were observed also in the bays Kilen, Korabel'naya, Artilleriyskaya and Severnaya. The frontal section in the dissolved oil concentration field coincided with the boundary section in the hydrochemical elements' fields, which was earlier revealed in course of studying water pollution in the Sevastopol Bay. Noted are the tendency to decrease of the dissolved oil products' concentration in the Southern Bay waters and the qualitative difference of this substance structure being compared to the fields of the total suspended matter and the dissolved organic matter concentrations.