Abstract. The Wiener-Hopf and Cagniard-de Hoop techniques are employed in order to solve a range of transient thermal mixed boundary value problems on the half-space. The thermal field in the half-space is determined via a rapidly convergent integral, which can be evaluated straightforwardly and efficiently. Model problems are considered before the specific application areas of heat loss from buildings into the ground and cryology are described. 1. Introduction. Traditionally, significant interest has been shown in determining the disturbances generated when loads are applied on the surface of a half-space. Lamb [18] obtained the exact solution when an impulsive, concentrated load is applied along a line of the free surface of an isotropic linear elastic medium. De Hoop reappraised this problem [12], modifying the technique originally devised by Cagniard [6,7], leading to the now well-known Cagniard-de Hoop (CdH) technique. This method has been used widely since, allowing exact solutions to be obtained for a wide range of transient elasticity problems. The method can also be useful in order to render solutions into integral forms that are rapidly convergent when calculated numerically. Further, unsteady diffusion problems in the context of electromagnetism were considered by de Hoop and Oristaglio [13], who deduced integral solutions for the case of a line source on a plane between two semi-infinite media.Transient thermoelastic half-space problems were considered by Danilovskaya [11], Boley and Tolins [4], and Achenbach [1], but in these problems the forcing was such that the CdH technique was not required. The extension of these problems to inhomogeneous media was considered by Baczynski [3] and Parnell [22], and a purely thermal transient model, which employed the CdH method, was solved in [27]. The thermoelastic Lamb problem was studied by Nayfeh and Nemat-Nasser [20], who incorporated generalized thermoelasticity in order to retain a finite thermal wave speed, employing the CdH technique to determine the solution.All of the above problems are of fundamental importance in an array of applications where a number of alternative boundary conditions on the surface can arise. What appears to be lacking in the literature, however, are studies of transient prob-