Abstract:Since the discovery of electric energy, several improvements have been made by scientists, so that, suppliers can permanently guarantee a quality power to customers. In addition, the introduction of high-tech equipments in all sectors of activity has increased the level of harmonic disturbances in electricity distribution networks. Thus, power systems are subjected to harmonic disturbances injected by these loads and entail effects on the equipments of the distribution network itself and on that of the customers connected there to. In Niger, thereis a constant increase in these types of loads, although there is no complete renewal of energy consuming loads (incandescent bulbs, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) televisions, fans, etc.). It is necessary to study the behavior of the harmonic rate generated by these loads connected to the distribution network in order to anticipate on the consequences [1]. This article presents a study on the behavior of harmonic distortion rate in current generated by linear, nonlinear and mixed loads in offices at Niamey, Niger. Using an electric analyzer (CA8220), a study on the behavior of harmonic distortion rate in current generated by linear, nonlinear and mixed appliances was conducted. To do this, it studied the variation of the harmonic content by acting on polluting loads (a compressor and an air conditioner), very polluting loads (a computer and an ultrasound machine) and a pure load (a water heater). The results show that a combined and simultaneous use of appliances with nonlinear and linear loads (mixed loads) makes it possible to attenuate the overall harmonic rate, compared to a use of the nonlinear loads alone in the network.