In the world, one of the main tasks is to improve the quality of cotton and products from it, the introduction of energy and resource-saving technologies and technical means at enterprises, which make it possible to reduce their cost. In the priorities of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 No. PF-60 “New Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, the third priority area called “Advanced development of the national economy and ensuring high growth rates” clarifies the inclusion of a number of tasks in the state program. Air pipes are used in most stages of the primary cotton processing process. In this direction, a scientific base is being created to improve the efficiency of the process of transporting fibrous materials by air, special attention is paid to improving product quality and reducing costs through the creation of automated pneumatic transport systems, and the widespread introduction of modern pneumatic equipment and technology into production is accelerating. Although many studies have been done on the loss of fibrous products during the air transport of cotton and cotton products, some fibrous material is released into the atmosphere. To prevent this, it is necessary to determine the aerodynamic resistances that form in the areas of the changed surface of pneumatic transport pipes, and develop recommendations for their reduction. In this article, based on the results of theoretical and practical studies, local resistances are determined in the zones of narrowing of air pipelines of pneumatic transport, and the change in air speed is presented in graphical form.