Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are keystone and sentinel species in the world’s oceans.
We studied correlations between per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
(PFAS) and their stress axis. We investigated associations between
plasma biomarkers of 12 different PFAS variants and three cortisol
pools (total, bound, and free) in wild T. truncatus from estuarine waters of Charleston, South Carolina (n = 115) and Indian River Lagoon, Florida (n = 178)
from 2003 to 2006, 2010–2013, and 2015. All PFAS and total
cortisol levels for these dolphins were previously reported; bound
cortisol levels and free cortisol calculations have not been previously
reported. We tested null hypotheses that levels of each PFAS were
not correlated with those of each cortisol pool. Free cortisol levels
were lower when PFOS, PFOA, and PFHxS biomarker levels were higher,
but free cortisol levels were higher when PFTriA was higher. Bound
cortisol levels were higher when there were higher PFDA, PFDoDA, PFDS,
PFTeA, and PFUnDA biomarkers. Total cortisol was higher when PFOA
was lower, but total cortisol was higher when PFDA, PFDoDA, PFTeA,
and PFTriA were higher. Additional analyses indicated sex and age
trends, as well as heterogeneity of effects from the covariates carbon
chain length and PFAS class. Although this is a cross-sectional observational
study and, therefore, could reflect cortisol impacts on PFAS toxicokinetics,
these correlations are suggestive that PFAS impacts the stress axis
in T. truncatus. However, if PFAS do impact the stress
axis of dolphins, it is specific to the chemical structure, and could
affect the individual pools of cortisol differently. It is critical
to conduct long-term studies on these dolphins and to compare them
to populations that have no or little expose to PFAS.