I. INTRODUCTIONMicrostrip antennas (MSAs) offer many attractive features such as low-profile, light weight, planar configuration, ease of fabrication, conformable to planar and non-planar surfaces [1] etc. In the last four decades, the extensive technological work on MSAs have been developed for many wireless communication systems such as WLAN, Wi-Fi, sensors, satellite, broadcasting services, ultra-wideband (UWB), radio frequency identifications (RFIDs), reader devices, radars [2,3] etc. Still extendable work has been going on MSAs for modern wireless communication systems capable to work for applications such as portable, handheld devices, RFID reader devices which provide wireless networks. In the recent technological development, MSAs of smaller physical size are very much preferable to integrate in the systems especially operating at the lower microwave frequency ranges. Moreover, the applications like land mobile telephony as well as in the field of WLANs [4,5] further requirement would be a multifrequency operations. So the designs of a printed antenna with intend to conform to multiple communications protocols, for example the IEEE 802.11b/g at 2.4 GHz and the IEEE 802.11a at 5.3 GHz and 5.8 GHz [6,7] would be a challenging and difficult task for the designers. In this paper, a novel design of inset-fed circular microstrip antenna by inserting a modified U-slot on the patch and arrow mark slot in the ground is proposed. The antenna is designed to work for penta-band operation covering different wireless communications. The details of the antenna design, simulation and experimental results are presented and discussed in next sections.