Methoxycarbonyl etomidate (MOC-etomidate) and cyclopropyl methoxycarbonyl metomidate (CPMM) are rapidly metabolized “soft” etomidate analogues. CPMM’s duration of hypnotic effect is context-insensitive whereas MOC-etomidate’s is not. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that CPMM’s effect is context-insensitive because, unlike MOC-etomidate, its metabolite fails to reach physiologically important concentrations in vivo even with prolonged continuous infusion.
We compared the potencies with which MOC-etomidate and CPMM activate α1(L264T)β3γ2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors and induce loss-of-righting reflexes (i.e. produce hypnosis) in tadpoles with those of their metabolites (MOC-ECA and CPMM-CA, respectively). We measured metabolite concentrations in blood and cerebrospinal fluid of Sprague Dawley rats upon CPMM infusion and compared them to those achieved with MOC-etomidate infusion. We measured the rates with which brain tissue from Sprague Dawley rats metabolize MOC-etomidate and CPMM.
Both analogues and their metabolites enhanced gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor function and induced loss-of-righting reflexes in a concentration-dependent manner. However in these 2 assays, CPMM-CA’s potency relative to its parent hypnotic was approximately 1:4,900 and 1:1,900, respectively, whereas MOC-ECA’s was only approximately 1:415 and 1:390, respectively. With 2-hr CPMM infusions, CPMM-CA reached respective concentrations in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid that were 2 and >3 orders of magnitude lower than that which produced hypnosis. CPMM was metabolized by brain tissue at a rate that is approximately 1/15th that of MOC-etomidate.
Hypnotic recovery after CPMM administration is context-insensitive because its metabolite does not accumulate to hypnotic levels in the central nervous system. This reflects the very large potency ratio between CPMM and its carboxylic acid metabolite CPMM-CA and the resistance of CPMM to metabolism by esterases present in the brain.