Starting from the general concept of a Lie derivative of an arbitrary differentiable map, we develop a systematic theory of Lie differentiation in the framework of reductive G-structures P on a principal bundle Q. It is shown that these structures admit a canonical decomposition of the pull-back vector bundle i * P (T Q) ≡ P ×Q T Q over P . For classical G-structures, i.e. reductive G-subbundles of the linear frame bundle, such a decomposition defines an infinitesimal canonical lift. This lift extends to a prolongation Γ-structure on P . In this general geometric framework the concept of a Lie derivative of spinor fields is reviewed. On specializing to the case of the Kosmann lift, we recover Kosmann's original definition. We also show that in the case of a reductive G-structure one can introduce a "reductive Lie derivative" with respect to a certain class of generalized infinitesimal automorphisms, and, as an interesting by-product, prove a result due to Bourguignon and Gauduchon in a more general manner. Next, we give a new characterization as well as a generalization of the Killing equation, and propose a geometric reinterpretation of Penrose's Lie derivative of "spinor fields". Finally, we present an important application of the theory of the Lie derivative of spinor fields to the calculus of variations.