We prove that the braided Thompson's groups V br and F br are of type F∞, confirming a conjecture by John Meier. The proof involves showing that matching complexes of arcs on surfaces are highly connected. In an appendix, Zaremsky uses these connectivity results to exhibit families of subgroups of the pure braid group that are highly generating, in the sense of Abels and Holz.A group is of type F ∞ if it admits a classifying space whose n-skeleton is compact for every n. The case n = 2 shows that such a group is in particular finitely presented. Prominent examples of groups of type F ∞ include Thompson's groups F , T and V , and the braid groups B n . A braided variant of Thompson's group V , which we will denote V br , was introduced independently by Brin and Dehornoy [Bri07,Deh06]. This group contains F as a subgroup, along with copies of the braid group B n for each n ∈ N, and was shown to be finitely presented by Brin [Bri06]. Brady, Burillo, Cleary and Stein [BBCS08] introduced another braided Thompson's group, which we denote F br , and which contains the pure braid groups P B n in a similar way to how V br contains B n . They also proved that F br is finitely presented. The notation used in [Bri07, BBCS08] is BV and BF . The relationship between V and V br is in many ways reminiscent of the relationship between a Coxeter group and its corresponding Artin group. For example, there is a presentation of V that can be converted to a presentation for V br by dropping the relations that the generators are involutions [Bri06].In this paper we prove that the braided Thompson's groups are of type F ∞ . In the case of V br , this was conjectured by John Meier already in 2001. This question was also discussed in [FK08, Remark 5.1 (1)] and [FK11, Remark 3.3].Main Theorem. The braided Thompson's groups V br and F br are of type F ∞ .Our proof is geometric. The starting point is that each braided Thompson's group acts naturally on an associated poset complex. One key step is to restrict this action to an invariant cubical subcomplex that is smaller and therefore easier