In this paper, we firstly discuss the question: Is l ∞ 2 homeomorphic to a rectifiable space or a paratopological group? And then, we mainly discuss locally compact rectifiable spaces, and show that a locally compact rectifiable space with the Souslin property is σ-compact, which gives an affirmative answer to A.V. Arhangel'skiǐ and M.M. Choban's question [On remainders of rectifiable spaces, Topology Appl., 157(2010), 789-799]. Next, we show that a rectifiable space X is strongly Fréchet-Urysohn if and only if X is an α 4sequential space. Moreover, we discuss the metrizabilities of rectifiable spaces, which gives a partial answer for a question posed in [18]. Finally, we consider the remainders of rectifiable spaces, which improve some results in [2,3, 6,19].