Objective To review current information about diagnosis and management of tinnitus aiming to identify opportunities for achieving a cost-effective, efficient, evidence-based approach that meets the needs of tinnitus sufferers. Data Sources PubMed/MEDLINE. Review Methods In total, 249 relevant published reports were reviewed. Pertinent keywords and MeSH terms identified reports via PubMed and EMBASE. Acknowledged experts were consulted on ways to improve tinnitus management. Conclusions There may be opportunities to improve evaluation and management of patients with tinnitus using modern modes of communication and a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. Implications for Practice Tinnitus can adversely affect quality of life while being time-consuming and costly to evaluate and manage. Based on both personal experience and the reports of others, patients with tinnitus who choose to see a physician primarily want to know two things: (1) that the tinnitus that is so distressing will not remain at the same level of severity forever and (2) that something can be done to help cope with the tinnitus that is so annoying. Recent advancements in internet communications, social media, information technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, holistic medical care, mind-body integrative health care, and multidisciplinary approaches in medical therapeutics may be possibly making new ways of meeting the needs of patients with tinnitus.