“…There were a variety of personality characteristics examined with new and old tests: a sociocultural measure of young women's experience with body weight and shape (Delaney, O'Keefe, & Skene, 1997); perfectionism and interpersonal problems (Hill, Zrull, & Turlington, 1997); guilt and mental health, prosocial behavior, and religiosity (Quiles & Bybee, 1997); positive and negative affectivity (Chen, Dai, Spector, & Jex, 1997); alcoholism and word association profiles (Cecero & Karp, 1997); and impression management and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Furnham, 1997). Test characteristics were also explored: the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test-2 (MMPI-2) and premature termination (Chisholm, Crowther, & Ben-Porath, 1997); the psychometric properties of the McGill revision of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (2 articles; Santor, Zuroff, Mongrain, &Fielding, 1997); and the MMPI-Adolescent with Mexican American adolescents (Negy, Leal-Puente, Trainor, & Carlson, 1997).…”