The MexXY components of the MexXY-OprM multidrug efflux system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are encoded by a MexZ repressor-regulated operon that is inducible by antibiotics that target the ribosome. Mutant strains disrupted in a gene, PA5471, were shown to be compromised for drug-inducible mexXY expression and, therefore, MexXY-OprM-mediated antimicrobial resistance. The PA5471 gene was inducible by the same ribosometargeting agents that induce mexXY expression. Moreover, vector-driven expression of cloned PA5471 was sufficient to promote mexXY expression and MexXY-mediated resistance in the absence of antibiotic exposure, consistent with PA5471 directly or indirectly activating mexXY expression following its own upregulation in response to antibiotics. The requirement for PA5471 for mexXY expression and antimicrobial resistance was, however, obviated in mutants lacking the MexZ repressor of mexXY expression, suggesting that PA5471 directly or indirectly modulates MexZ activity in effecting mexXY expression. While the recruitment of PA5471 and MexXY in response to ribosome disruption by antimicrobials is consistent with their genes playing a role in protecting cells from the adverse consequences of disrupting the translation process, reminiscent of transtranslation, these genes appear to operate independently in their contribution to resistance: mutants defective in trans-translation showed a much more modest (twofold) decrease in resistance to ribosome-targeting agents than those lacking PA5471 or MexXY, and this decrease was observed whether functional PA5471/MexXY was present or not.Multidrug efflux systems of the resistance-nodulation-division (RND) family contribute significantly to intrinsic and acquired resistance to antimicrobials in a number of gram-negative bacteria (43, 45). Despite their significance as determinants of antibiotic resistance, however, RND-type multidrug exporters also, in many instances, accommodate biocides (42, 45), organic solvents (48), detergents (43), including bile salts (9,18,46,60), toxic fatty acids/lipids (54), and in some instances, plant-derived antimicrobials (phytoalexins and isoflavonoids) (7, 39), metabolic inhibitors (52), organometallic compounds (tributyltin) (25), quorum-sensing effector molecules (13,26,40), and, possibly, virulence factors (21) in addition to antibiotics. Clearly, RND pumps can and do function as other than antibiotic exporters.Pseudomonas aeruginosa expresses several three-component RND-type multidrug efflux systems, among which four, MexAB-