Chatbots have gained widespread popularity for their task automation capabilities and consistent availability in various domains, including education. However, their ability to adapt to the continuously evolving and dynamic nature of knowledge is limited. This research investigates the implementation of an internet wizard to enhance the knowledge base of an open-domain question-answering chatbot. The proposed approach leverages search engines, particularly Google, and its features, including feature snippets, knowledge graph, and organic search, in conjunction with data science and natural language models. This mechanism empowers the chatbot to dynamically access the extensive and up-to-date knowledge available on the web, enabling the provision of real time and pertinent answers to user queries sourced from web documents. A pilot study in a higher education context evaluated the chatbot’s mechanism and features, confirming its proficiency in generating responses across a broad range of educational and non-educational topics. Positive feedback and high user satisfaction validate these findings. Notably, the chatbot’s dynamic feature of retrieving related or follow-up questions from search engines significantly enhances student engagement and facilitates exploration of supplementary information beyond the curriculum.