We have observed frequency shifts of the 2͞1 tearing mode in a tokamak that are consistent with injecting momentum with low frequency rf waves. The 2͞1 frequency increased for current drive antenna phasing, decreased for anticurrent drive phasing, and was linear with rf power and driven current. The change in the toroidal velocities derived from the frequency shifts and the calculated rf momentum is consistent. The frequency change also increased with magnetic field, independent of antenna phasing. This is the first demonstration of modifying the 2͞1 frequency through rf momentum input. [S0031-9007(96)00568-6] PACS numbers: 52.55. Fa, Both theory and experiment suggest that plasma rotation can significantly modify the stability and transport characteristics of tokamak plasmas. Simultaneous improvement of the plasma confinement and stability has been identified in reactor studies as the most significant means for improving the economic attractiveness of the tokamak concept [1,2].Plasma rotation's impact on plasma stability has been examined recently. In tokamak plasmas surrounded by a resistive shell, toroidal plasma rotation has been found to increase tearing mode stability [3]. Theoretical analysis suggests that external kink modes are also stabilized by toroidal rotation [4]. Experimental evidence of this stabilization has been reported by Strait et al. where the stabilization was achieved with rotation velocities a fraction of the Alfvén speed [5]. External control of the momentum input can be utilized to prevent locked modes which cause degradation of confinement and often are precursors to plasma disruptions [6,7]. In addition, sheared plasma rotation has been predicted to cause linear coupling of ballooning modes. This increases damping of these modes which may allow tokamak plasmas to reach the second stability regime [8,9].Models developed to describe the transport in experimentally observed enhanced confinement modes have identified the importance of plasma rotation and sheared rotation in the formation of transport barriers [10]. These models are consistent with the observation of shear flows in H-mode plasmas [11] and negative central shear mode plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak [12]. Experiments also have shown degradation of VH mode with decreasing local toroidal plasma flow [13]. In addition, the power threshold for transport barrier formation is predicted to decrease with increased shear [14].External control of the momentum input has been demonstrated with neutral beam injection. While the net momentum transfer is efficient, the deposition profile is broad. In addition, calculations suggest that plasma rotation driven by radio-frequency (rf) waves can be more efficient than neutral beams if the parallel index of refraction N k $ 30 [15]. Several experiments have reported changes in the plasma toroidal rotation velocity with the application of ion cyclotron heating [16][17][18]. The rotation is generated by the spatial diffusion or loss of fast, resonant ions which leads to a modification of the radial...