Once you have invented digital money, you may need a ledger to track who owns what -along with an interface to that ledger so that users of your money can transact. On the Tezos blockchain this implies: a smart contract (distributed program), storing in its state a ledger to map owner addresses to token quantities; along with standardised entrypoints to query and transact on accounts.A bank does a similar job -it maps account numbers to account quantities and permits users to transact -but in return the bank demands trust, it incurs expense to maintain a centralised server and staff, it uses a proprietary interface . . . and it may speculate using your money and/or display rent-seeking behaviour. A blockchain ledger is by design decentralised, inexpensive, open, and it won't just decide to bet your tokens on risky derivatives (unless you want it to). The FA1.2 standard is an open standard for ledger-keeping smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain. Several FA1.2 implementations already exist.Or do they? Is the standard sensible and complete? Are the implementations correct? And what are they implementations of ? The FA1.2 standard is written in English, a specification language favoured by wet human brains but notorious for its incompleteness and ambiguity when rendered into dry and unforgiving code.In this paper we report on a formalisation of the FA1.2 standard as a Coq specification, and on a formal verification of three FA1.2-compliant smart contracts with respect to that specification. Errors were found and ambiguities were resolved; but also, there now exists a mathematically precise and battle-tested specification of the FA1.2 ledger standard.We will describe FA1.2 itself, outline the structure of the Coq theories -which in itself captures some non-trivial and novel design decisions of the development -and review the detailed verification of the implementations.
ACM Subject ClassificationSoftware and its engineering → Formal software verification; Theory of computation → Program verification; Social and professional topics → Quality assurance Keywords and phrases Distributed ledger, smart contracts, Coq, formal verification, blockchain Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/OASIcs.FMBC.2021.
AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the support of Nomadic Labs and the detailed and very helpful comments of three anonymous referees. We also thank Benoît Rognier, the Edukera team, and Tom Jack for their feedback and support.