Oas1b was previously identified as the product of the Flv r allele that confers flavivirus-specific resistance to virus-induced disease in mice by an uncharacterized, RNase L-independent mechanism. To gain insights about the mechanism by which Oas1b specifically reduces the efficiency of flavivirus replication, cellular protein interaction partners were identified and their involvement in the Oas1b-mediated flavivirus resistance mechanism was analyzed. Initial difficulties in getting the two-hybrid assay to work with full-length Oas1b led to the discovery that this Oas protein uniquely has a C-terminal transmembrane domain that targets it to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Two peptides matching to oxysterol binding protein-related protein 1L (ORP1L) and ATP binding cassette protein 3, subfamily F (ABCF3), were identified as Oas1b interaction partners in yeast two-hybrid assays, and both in vitro-transcribed/translated peptides and full-length proteins in mammalian cell lysates coimmunoprecipitated with T he genus Flavivirus, in the family Flaviviridae, consists of ϳ70 viruses and includes human pathogens such as dengue virus, yellow fever virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and West Nile virus (WNV) (20). WNV was first isolated in Uganda in 1937 and was previously reported to be endemic in Africa, Australia, and southern Asia (3); it has recently emerged in the Americas, with over 23,000 human infections reported in the United States as of late 2006 (2, 39). WNV is arthropod borne, with a natural transmission cycle typically between Culex mosquito species and birds, with occasional virus transmission by mosquitoes to horses and humans (3). Usually, WNV infections in humans are asymptomatic or cause mild flu-like symptoms. However, some infections cause more severe disease with symptoms such as meningitis, encephalitis, or paralysis, which can be fatal (3).The 2=-5= oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) pathway functions as an innate host defense response against viral infections. OAS gene expression is upregulated by the signaling of interferons produced by cells in response to a viral infection (34). Viral doublestranded RNA (dsRNA) binds to and activates OAS, causing it to polymerize ATP into short 2=-5=-linked oligomers (2-5A) (14). These 2-5A oligomers bind to and activate latent endoribonuclease L (RNase L,) which is constitutively expressed in cells. Activated RNase L cleaves viral and cellular single-stranded RNAs.Data from numerous studies indicate that both host factors and virus virulence factors determine the outcome of a virus infection. Genetically controlled resistance to flavivirus-induced central nervous system (CNS) disease in mice was first discovered in the 1920s and rediscovered several times in the 1930s because it was not appreciated that all of the viruses being tested belonged to the same virus genus and family (4). Breeding studies with mice displaying differential susceptibility to flavivirus-induced disease showed that the alleles of a single gene, Flv, control...