“…Previous experiments have found that mice reared by rat mothers, or by mouse mothers in the company of adult nonlactating female rats ("aunts"), are markedly less aggressive, are less active in the open-field, prefer a rat over a mouse in a 2-choice social preference test, and have a lesser adrenal cortical response to a novel stimulus at the time of weaning as compared to mouse-reared mice (Denenberg, Hudgens, .& Zarrow, 1964, 1966Denerlberg, Rosenberg, Paschke, Hess, Zarrow, & Levine, 1968;Denenberg, Rosenberg, Paschke, & Zarrow, 1969;Hudgens, Denenberg, & Zarrow, 1967, 1968Paschke, Denenberg, & Zarrow, 197 1;Rosenberg, Denenberg, & Zarrow, 1970). In the report by Paschke et al 2 strains of mice were employed, C57BL/10J…”