d-, I-, and dl-p-nitrophenyl -methoxyphenylacetates (I) were hydrolyzed at pH 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 in aqueous micellar solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, JV-benzyl-ZV-cetyldimethylammonium bromide, d-, I-, and dZ-A-a-methylbenzyl-M-ZV-dimethylcetylammonium bromide, and d-, I-, and cZZ-ZV-a-methyl-p-methoxybenzyl-JV,.ZV-dimethylcetylammonium bromide. Rate constants for the pseudo-first-order hydrolyses reveal significant micellar catalysis, but limited dependence on head group structure, and no substantial stereoselectivity. Similar results were obtained in hydrolyses of I catalyzed by inverse (n-hexyl alcohol-water) micellar solu-