DOI: 10.3140/bull.geosci.2006.03.163
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Micheliniidae and Cleistoporidae (Anthozoa, Tabulata) from the Devonian of Spain

Abstract: The present article describes five different tabulate coral species of the families Micheliniidae and Cleistoporidae from the Emsian and Eifelian of various localities in northern and central Spain. The species <i>Pleurodictyum elisabetae </i>sp.nov. is erected. <i>Michelinia guerangeri </i>(Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1851) and <i>Cleistopora smythi </i>Le Maître, 1952 are described for the first time from Spain. The Spanish fauna's biogeographical relationships to France, G… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(10 citation statements)
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“…Plusquellec & Fernández-Martínez agree in two cases with the specific determination given by May (2006) (MilneEdwards & Haime, 1851) is that the "Armorican species is more or less globular in shape and apparently devoid of 'epitheca' while in the Spanish specimens there are two distinct areas with an aboral surface showing well developed growth wrinkles." In fact, this holotheca is visible in the Spanish material, as documented clearly by May (2006, p. 167, fig.…”
Section: Specific Determinationssupporting
confidence: 65%
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“…Plusquellec & Fernández-Martínez agree in two cases with the specific determination given by May (2006) (MilneEdwards & Haime, 1851) is that the "Armorican species is more or less globular in shape and apparently devoid of 'epitheca' while in the Spanish specimens there are two distinct areas with an aboral surface showing well developed growth wrinkles." In fact, this holotheca is visible in the Spanish material, as documented clearly by May (2006, p. 167, fig.…”
Section: Specific Determinationssupporting
confidence: 65%
“…When I was investigating this material, such permission was not given to me. Nevertheless, it would surely have increased the validity of the comments of Plusquellec & Fernández-Martínez if they had described additional material instead of merely re-investigating that described by May (2006). In this way, they missed an opportunity to advance our knowledge on Spanish corals.…”
confidence: 94%
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“…Katzer (1903in Katzer, 1933 inicialmente registrou os corais tabulados Pleurodyctium amazonicum, que apresenta similaridades com P. americanum e P. problematicum, e Chaetetes carvalhoanus. A espécie P. americanum foi considerada por Allan (1929) como sinônima de P. stylophorum (Eaton, 1832), registrada apenas na América do Norte, enquanto que P. problematicum ocorre na América do Norte, Europa, África, Austrália, Nova Zelândia e Bolívia (Allan, 1929;May, 2006b). Clarke (1913) A briozoofauna dos sedimentitos Maecuru também foi caracterizada pela primeira vez por Katzer (1903in Katzer, 1933, que individualizou as espécies Rhombopora ambigua, reconhecida apenas no Eifeliano médio do Brasil, Reptaria stolonifera e Fenestella parallela, ambas registradas apenas no Devoniano Inferior e Médio da América do Norte (Nickles & Bassler, 1900), além das indeterminadas Fenestella.…”
Section: Bacia Do Amazonasunclassified
“…As suas afinidades biogeográficas são bem estreitas com as faunas do domínio do Velho Mundo, sem qualquer influência do domínio Américas Orientais. Esta peculiaridade sugere isolamento biogeográfico das regiões da Europa Central e leste (França, Alemanha, Bélgica), África e oeste da Sibéria entre o Emsiano e o Givetiano (Allan, 1929;Mendes & Petri, 1971;Fernández-Martínez & Plusquellec, 2006;May, 2006bMay, , 2008. Entre os corais rugosos, este isolamento biogeográfico por uma barreira terrestre entre os domínios das Américas Orientais e do Velho Mundo, é corroborado pelo registro de Radiastraea arachnae, pois este gênero é um dos elementos índices do Emsiano, o tempo de maior endemismo durante o Devoniano (May, 2006a).…”
Section: Paleobiogeografiaunclassified