The specimens of DNA microparticles formed during PCR amplification of IS elements ISAfe1 and IST2 by KlenTaq or Taq polymerases and plasmid DNA as a template under varying conditions were investigated by electron microscopy. Microparticle yield and morphology were found to depend on the level of synthesis of single stranded DNA fragments during PCR. The conditions were studied for formation of discs (ellipsoids) several micrometers in diameter and several dozens of nanometers thick, as well as of micro particles of other morphologies, in the course of PCR with Taq polymerase. The structure of the microparti cles produced during an asymmetric PCR, i.e., under conditions of low concentration of one of the two prim ers, was investigated. Morphology of the DNA micro and nanoparticles was found to depend mainly on the DNA polymerase used in asymmetric PCR. In particular, in the presence of the KlenTaq polymerase, discs or ellipsoids a few dozen nanometers thick were formed, while in the presence of the Taq polymerase, micro and nanospheres, heterogeneous in size with rugged surfaces, were produced. The effect of Mn 2+ cations on DNA microparticle morphology was studied. In the presence of Mn 2+ , microparticle morphology changed dramatically; in PCR mixtures containing KlenTaq polymerase supplemented with Mn 2+ , DNA micro spheres with fringed surfaces were formed; in the presence of Taq polymerase, microparticles in the form of short, rounded rods were produced. In light of these data, the molecular mechanism of micro and nanopar ticle formation in the course of PCR is discussed.Keywords: polymerase chain reaction (PCR), asymmetric PCR, Taq polymerase, KlenTaq polymerase, Mg 2+ mediated DNA condensation, microparticles and nanoparticles of condensed DNA, effect of Mn 2+ cations, electron microscopy.