This study presented a rehabilitation option for malpositioned implants; this involved obtaining their position and inclination through intraoral scanning, and producing a customized abutment with CAD/CAM technology. The patient in this case report presented a root fracture in tooth 21 and was subjected to extraction, implant installation, and immediate provisional prosthesis. The implant was installed with a distal inclination due to anatomical limitations. After osseointegration, an intraoral scanning transfer provided a digital model (file extension .stl), which reproduced the implant’s position and inclination. Then, the file was sent so that a customized abutment (CAD/CAM) could be manufactured, promoting the final rehabilitation of the case; this allowed for good hygiene, load distribution in the dynamic interocclusal relationship, and favorable esthetics, whereas many would otherwise recommend implant removal. The result presented lower costs, a shorter time frame, and a lower morbidity for the patient.