In South Africa, the Green Economy accord was signed in 2011, with the intention to create at least 300 000 green jobs (Borel-Saladin & Turok 2013).One of the main methods for facilitating a transition to a green industrial policy is input-output analysis (eds. Altenburg & Assmann 2017). But many of the existing tools for conducting an inputoutput analysis are not geared towards addressing the poverty alleviation aspect of the Green Economy definition. For example, the World Input-Output Database (WIOD) (Timmer et al. 2015), 2016-release, contains data on 28 European Union (EU) countries and 15 other major economies from 2000 to 2014. Although this is an extremely important and useful dataset, significant to the present study, there is to date no disaggregation for any African country in the dataset (Gouma et al. 2018).The forecasting of macroeconomic phenomena has long been important in South Africa (Gupta & Kabundi 2010). Most previous analyses have focused either on a provincial disaggregation Background: The green economy has long been important in public discourses, as has been the forecasting of macroeconomic phenomena.
Aim:The purpose with this study was to construct a regional input-output model for the South African economy.
Setting:The model is a coupled input-output/system dynamics model. It is dynamic in the sense that sector growth follows the 'limits to growth' hypothesis. The model is used to explore the impact on the green economy, and also on poverty indices.Method: It was constructed using Vensim®, a system dynamics modelling package. Bayesian methods were utilised to estimate realistic values for the multipliers. Type I multipliers for output, income, employment and gross value added (GVA) are estimated. The model was then 'tested' by forecasting various resource sectors' GVA (i.e. agriculture, mining, water, electricity).
Results:The model fits the historical data well, replicating provincial GVA as well as national GVA to an acceptable standard. The multipliers fell within appropriate ranges, and followed a priori expectations.
Conclusion:The model provides 'highly accurate' forecasts of various macroeconomic parameters, including the resources sectors. The impact of different multipliers in the three resources sectors on various poverty indices in South Africa was also assessed.
Contribution:The model has great potential for further use in the agricultural, energy and resource sectors, but also has wider application since it provides a means for generating an input-output table for any specific year based on the forecasting of input -output elements.