An in-well sediment incubator (ISI) was developed to investigate the stability and dynamics of sediment-associated microbial communities to prevailing subsurface oxidizing or reducing conditions. Herein we describe the use of these devices at the Old Rifle Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) site. During a seven-month period in which oxidized Rifle Aquifer background sediment (RABS) were deployed in previously biostimulated wells under ironreducing conditions, cell densities of known iron-reducing bacteria, including Geobacteraceae, increased significantly, showing the microbial community response to local subsurface conditions. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of RABS following in situ deployment were strikingly similar to those of adjacent sediment cores, suggesting ISI results could be extrapolated to the native material of the test plots. Results for ISI deployment with laboratory-reduced sediments showed only slight changes in community composition and pointed toward the ability of the ISI to monitor microbial community stability and response to subsurface conditions.
INTRODUCTIONEnhanced bioremediation, whether for petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, or radionuclides, frequently involves subsurface injection of an amendment (electron acceptor or donor) to stimulate microbial activity. Following injection, temporal groundwater monitoring programs are commonly instituted to track contaminant concentrations, geochemical parameters, and changes in microbial community composition. Although groundwater monitoring can provide valuable insight into biological processes, important microbial populations, and contaminant transformations may be strongly associated with the subsurface matrix (Bekins et al., 1999;Hazen et al., 1991;Thomas et al., 1998) as opposed to the planktonic communities. Collection of sediment cores allows interrogation of sediment-associated transformations. However, repeated drilling events are expensive and not always practical, especially in deeper aquifer systems. To combat this problem, a number of researchers have employed in situ microcosms in which native sediment or a sediment surrogate is deployed and recovered from existing monitoring wells (Bennett et al., 2000;Hendricks et al., 2005;Reardon et al., 2004). The in situ microcosm approach, however, is potentially limited by the extent to which the results relate to the native sediment and the aquifer as a whole (Bennett et al., 2000). Therefore, the cornerstone of the in-well sediment incubator approach is that analysis of recovered microcosms provides interpretable results consistent with sediment core samples. In aerobic aquifers typical of many Department of Energy (DOE) legacy waste sites, uranium is present in the oxidized U(VI) form, which is more soluble and, thus, more mobile (Anderson et al., 2003;Istok et al., 2004;Wall & Krumholz, 2006). A wide variety of dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria, most notably of the genera Geobacter and Shewanella, have been shown to enzymatically reduce U(VI) to less ...