a r a g , EM. H e w e d i, M . A . I. S a l e m and S. M . S. E I -Ta n t a w y *Some treatments were conducted for prolonging the self life of broiler meat suchas storage at twodifferent temperatures (3" Cand-180 C) withand without adding chemical preservatives (NaCI, poly-phosphate and a mixture of them). Fatty acid composition of blended skin tissue and subcutaneous carcasses lipids were qualitatively and quantitatively determined by gasliquid chromatography. The fatty acid analysis indicated that 16 : 0 and 18 : 1 were the most predominant saturated and unsaturated acids of fresh skin tissue and subcutaneous carcasses lipids. Dipping carcasses in hot water alone and with NaCI, polyphosphate or a mixture of them exhibited very littleeffect onthefattyacidpattem.Storageat 3OCled toconversionofsome long-chained and unsaturated fatty acids to medium-chained and saturated ones. Dipping carcasses in tap or hot water with or without preservatives caused quantitative changes in 16 : 0,18 : 0,18 : 1 and 18 : 2 acids. In general, the most efficient treatment towards keeping carcasses quality is storage at -180 C without adding any chemical preservatives. FETTE . SElFEN . ANSTRICHMITTEL 88. J ahrgang Nr. 8 I < J M