The evolution of safety and other quality parameters of the Greek green table olives PDO “Prasines Elies Chalkidikis” that are prepared according to the Spanish style processing is examined systematically at the industrial scale and 12 month storage for two consecutive periods for the first time. Evolution of safety parameters (bacteria/yeasts, pH, acidity) during fermentation in brine and on olives upon storage, changes in olive color and texture during storage, and the fate of characteristic hydrophilic and hydrophobic antioxidants (oleuropein, ligstroside, and related compounds, α‐tocopherol, squalene), and sodium content are monitored using appropriate methods. Sensory scores are also provided in certain cases. Findings support that the final product is microbiologically safe and of acceptable characteristics. However, except for compliance with trade quality criteria, attention should be paid to the reduction in phenolic compounds (hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol) content and the important increase in sodium content due to fermentation and storage in brine. This prototype model study indicates loopholes in the efforts to establish table olives as a functional food.
Practical Applications: Industry has to compromise legal safety and nutritional aspects with traditional processing and storage conditions that are applied in PDO table olive production, considering also intrinsic cultivar characteristics of the drupes. Policy makers, regulatory bodies, IOC, and the industry may profit from the substantiation provided by the results of this 2 years study.
A systematic study of the industrial production line of the Greek green table olives PDO “Prasines Elies Chalkidikis” for two consecutive processing periods.