In permafrost peatlands, up to 20%
of total organic carbon (OC)
is bound to reactive iron (Fe) minerals in the active layer overlying
intact permafrost, potentially protecting OC from microbial degradation
and transformation into greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO
and CH
. During the summer, shifts in runoff and soil
moisture influence redox conditions and therefore the balance of Fe
oxidation and reduction. Whether reactive iron minerals could act
as a stable sink for carbon or whether they are continuously dissolved
and reprecipitated during redox shifts remains unknown. We deployed
bags of synthetic ferrihydrite (FH)-coated sand in the active layer
along a permafrost thaw gradient in Stordalen mire (Abisko, Sweden)
over the summer (June to September) to capture changes in redox conditions
and quantify the formation and dissolution of reactive Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides.
We found that the bags accumulated Fe(III) under constant oxic conditions
in areas overlying intact permafrost over the full summer season.
In contrast, in fully thawed areas, conditions were continuously anoxic,
and by late summer, 50.4 ± 12.8% of the original Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides
were lost via dissolution. Periodic redox shifts (from 0 to +300 mV)
were observed over the summer season in the partially thawed areas.
This resulted in the dissolution and loss of 47.2 ± 20.3% of
initial Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides when conditions are wetter and more
reduced, and new formation of Fe(III) minerals (33.7 ± 8.6% gain
in comparison to initial Fe) in the late summer under more dry and
oxic conditions, which also led to the sequestration of Fe-bound organic
carbon. Our data suggest that there is seasonal turnover of iron minerals
in partially thawed permafrost peatlands, but that a fraction of the
Fe pool remains stable even under continuously anoxic conditions.