DOI: 10.1007/s00253-011-3223-5
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Microbial Resource Management revisited: successful parameters and new concepts

Abstract: In the twenty-first century, scientists will want to steer the microbial black box in (engineered) ecosystems, rather than only study and describe them. This strategy led to a new way of thinking: Microbial Resource Management (MRM). For the last few years, MRM has been utilized to consolidate and communicate our acquired knowledge of the microbiome to many areas of the scientific community. This shared knowledge has brought us closer to formulating a plan toward the analysis, and at a later stage, the managem… Show more

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Cited by 66 publications
(64 citation statements)
References 50 publications
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“…Species evenness and functional redundancy may have an equal or even a greater importance for understanding the stability and functionality of microbial communities and for the functions they perform in the ecosystem (29,55,56). Therefore, community organization values (Co) were calculated, representing a numerical value for the species evenness (52). All the studied cultures had similar Co values (ϳ60), indicating a medium community organization according to the range reported in Marzorati et al (28).…”
Section: Figmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Species evenness and functional redundancy may have an equal or even a greater importance for understanding the stability and functionality of microbial communities and for the functions they perform in the ecosystem (29,55,56). Therefore, community organization values (Co) were calculated, representing a numerical value for the species evenness (52). All the studied cultures had similar Co values (ϳ60), indicating a medium community organization according to the range reported in Marzorati et al (28).…”
Section: Figmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…More interestingly, we have observed four different clusters significantly different from both the original enrichments and each other after MCPA mineralization. To overcome the lack of direct phylogenetic information from DGGE profiles, a pragmatic analysis was applied to the DGGE patterns (28,52). The derived ecological descriptors provided a useful tool to deliver additional information on community structure, functioning, and dynamics.…”
Section: Figmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In brief, Co describes the species abundance distribution based on the gini coefficient of the microbial community. Rr describes the species richness of the microbial community and can be interpreted as the carrying capacity of a certain environment (Read et al 2011). The archaeal community structure was analysed by means of qPCR (Table 1 & …”
Section: Pcr-dgge and Qpcrmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It can be reasoned that this is related to a metabolic network where fermentation of substrates to H 2 plays a key role however this could not be validated with the used technique. (Read et al 2011). were present in a lower abundance compared to Methanosarcinaceae (mixotrophic) at the bottom anode (5.2 vs. 6.0 log copies g -1 for M3 & 4.7 vs. 5.1 log copies g -1 M4) whereas they were more abundantly present at the top anode (5.0 vs. 4.7 log copies g -1 for M3 & 4.7 log copies g -1 vs. < 3.7 log copies g -1 for M4).…”
Section: Bacterial Community Structure Is Driven By Available Organicmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Obtained profiles were clustered using BioNumerics software v5.1 (Applied Maths, Belgium). Theoretical ecological parameters Range weighted richness (Rr; a measure of habitability of an environment) and Community organization (Co; an approximate of functional diversity) were attributed according to the microbial resource management (MRM) toolbox (Read et al 2011). Samples for SEM were immediately fixed by subsequent incubation in 2.5 % glutaraldehyde (2 hr) and 1% osmium tetroxide (1hr) with 3 times washing with 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) in between.…”
Section: Microbial Community and Materials Structure Analysismentioning
confidence: 99%