Coastal wetlands capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at high
rates and store large amounts of “blue carbon” in soils. These
habitats are home to a variety of microbial communities that break down
organic matter and cycle nutrients, playing a substantial role in
coastal biogeochemical balance. Rising sea levels make coastal wetlands
more susceptible to saltwater intrusion, which might disrupt
biogeochemical processes, such as the sulfur cycle and methane
generation/consumption by bacteria thus disrupting existing equilibria.
A change in biogeochemical equilibria may produce important
climate-related feedback because these systems, while involved in carbon
sequestration, also have the potential to emit greenhouse gases, with
reported higher emissions in freshwater ecosystems compared to brackish
ones. In this study, we characterize the microbial community and
geochemical properties in soils of three temperate coastal wetlands
along a salinity gradient to assess the effect of salinity on organic
matter decomposition and related greenhouse gas emissions. The
full-length Oxford Nanopore MinION 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing is used
to characterize bacterial communities from soil samples. Results
indicate a prevalence of sulfur-reducing bacteria in salinized sites
compared to freshwater sites. In brackish environments, there is an
emergence of obligate anaerobic taxa associated with sulfate reduction,
fatty acid degradation, and denitrifying bacteria. These microbial
communities play a significant role in reducing CH4 emissions while
simultaneously increasing CO2 emissions within these habitats. This
study reveals the structure of microbial communities in wetland soils,
crucial for ecosystem understanding and implications in wetland
conservation, management, and climate change mitigation.