Burn wounds are a major burden, with high mortality rates due to infections.
Staphylococcus aureus
is a major causative agent of burn wound infections, which can be difficult to treat because of antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. An alternative to antibiotics is the use of bacteriophages, viruses that infect and kill bacteria. We investigated the efficacy of bacteriophage therapy for burn wound infections, in both a porcine and a newly developed human
ex vivo
skin model. In both models, the efficacy of a reference antibiotic treatment (fusidic acid) and bacteriophage treatment was determined for a single treatment, successive treatment, and prophylaxis. Both models showed a reduction in bacterial load after a single bacteriophage treatment. Increasing the frequency of bacteriophage treatments increased bacteriophage efficacy in the human
ex vivo
skin model, but not in the porcine model. In both models, prophylaxis with bacteriophages increased treatment efficacy. In all cases, bacteriophage treatment outperformed fusidic acid treatment. Both models allowed investigation of bacteriophage-bacteria dynamics in burn wounds. Overall, bacteriophage treatment outperformed antibiotic control underlining the potential of bacteriophage therapy for the treatment of burn wound infections, especially when used prophylactically.