Nasolabial cysts are soft tissue lesions arising from epithelial remnants of the nasolacrimal duct. They are rare benign non-odontogenic lesions of nasal-alar region. These lesions may be asymptomatic or they may cause nasal obstruction, pain, and facial deformity. This lesion measures between 1.5-3 cm; it is characterized clinically by a swelling, which elevates the upper lip. The diagnosis is based on the clinical findings and, if necessary, radiological images. Nasolabial cysts are generally unilateral and they are more common in women. Although they are more frequent in 4th and 5th decades, they may be seen in any age group. They characteristically grow in a slow pattern and without pain but they may present as a rapidly growing painful mass when they are infected. Differential diagnosis should include other odontogenic and non-odontogenic masses.The aim of presenting these two case reports is to discuss clinical presentation, diagnosis, radiographic appereance and the more suitable surgical techniques to treat this disorder. Bu olgu sunumunda maksiller nasolabial sulkus bölgesinde tutulum gösteren, nasolabial kist te hisi konan iki olgunun klini i, diagnozu, radyolojik ve en uygun cerrahi tedavi yöntemleri-nin tart lmas amaçlanm t r.