Using a three-band [i.e., heavy-hole, light-hole, and spin-orbit split (SO) bands] model, the hole mobility was calculated by properly combining the contributions from scattering by lattice phonons, ionized impurities, and neutral impurities.In addition, the effects of hole-hole (h-h) scattering and nonparabolicity of the light-hole band were taken into account in the mobility formulation .To verify our theoretical calculations, resistivity measurements on nine boron-doped silicon slices with dopant densities from 4.5 x 10-^t o 3.2 x 10-^ĉ m were performed for 100 < T < 400 K, using a planar four-probe square-array test structure.Agreement between our calculated and measured resistivity values was within 6 percent over the entire range of dopant density and temperature studied here.Excellent agreement (within ±5 percent) between our calculated hole mobility values and those of Thurber et at. was obtained for N, < 10-*^^c m^for boron-doped silicon, while discrepancies between our calculated values and those of Wagner were found for boron densities greater than lO-*-^cm~^. These discrepancies are attributed to Wagner's neglect of the effect of deionization of boron impurities at higher dopant densities (i.e., he assumed hole density equal to the total boron density) . Finally, formulations for the density-of-states effective mass, conductivity effective mass, and Hall effective mass are described, and the results are applied to the calculations of hole masses in boron-doped silicon for 10-''^< _ N^<_ 10^® cm~3 and 50 < T £ 500 K.