“…While our M, estimations are in fair agreement with those reported for S-carboxy-methylated type I1 a-keratins of sheep wool (e.g. [12,87), they are considerably lower than those (M, 67,000 -76,000) previously given for the corresponding human hair a-keratins [4, 551. The relatively basic character of these polypeptides could not be recognized in previous analyses of hair akeratins from sheep wool, human scalp and other sources, because the S-carboxymethylation employed converted them to much-more-negatively charged polypeptides [ 12, 34, 55, 561. As the subdivision of a-keratins into type I and I1 polypeptides was originally made for sheep wool keratins [10--14, 37, 431, a comparison of our data from proteins of living trichocytes with the sheep wool a-keratin data in the literature is particularly interesting.…”