In an earlier article (Raal and Webley, 1987), a heat-ofmixing flow calorimeter design was described, in which a key feature was the ability to separate the desired excess enthalpy from fluid frictional effects, unavoidable in a flow calorimeter.Thorough mixing of fluids along the flow path necessarily entails a pressure drop which becomes particularly serious if one or both fluids is viscous.In our earlier work, working equations were given for frictional energy loss in the measurement and reference arms of a flow calorimeter and for the respective temperature rises due to friction (Eqs. 6, 7, 9 and 10 of the earlier work). As a starting point, the macroscopic energy and entropy balances for an open system were given, and the derivational paths were briefly sketched. The derivation of Eqs. 6 to 10, however, is not obvious and requires a fair amount of detailed work. The derivations are given in detail below. Also, examples are given to illustrate the errors arising from fluid friction in a flow calorimeter.A flow calorimeter with mixing and reference modules in series is shown in Figure 1. Pure fluids A and B enter at exactly equal temperatures and pressures TI, pI. Mixing is complete at the mixer exit, with temperature rise to T2 and pressure drop top2. It is assumed that exactly sufficient electrical energy, Q, is added to compensate for the excess enthalpy of mixing, hE. The second and third terms in the summation in Eq. 1 are kinetic and potential energies whose differences are assumed negligible across each calorimeter section. KE and PE changes can in any case be easily eliminated by experimental design. The sequence of mixing and frictional energy loss in a flow calorimeter cannot be predicted, but two limiting cases can be defined. In the first, mixing is completed before frictional effects are manifested ("easy to mix systems"), and the pressure drop is due to the flow of the fully mixed solution. In the second case (difficult-to-mix fluids), the pure unmixed fluids experience a frictional pressure drop in cocurrent flow and a corresponding temperature rise to T2 before mixing. The pressure drop and temperature rise equations for these two cases are derived as follows:
Case a: Easyto-Mix SystemsThe excess enthalpy is properly defined at TI, p , :hhE=hhAB-hlhA-m2hg (3) where subscript A B is a homogeneous mixture. tion:From Eq. 1 neglecting PE, KE changes for the mixing secThe enthalpy of the exit mixture at T2, p2 (hAB) may be related to its value at TI, pI by postulating a path in which the pressure is reduced top2 at constant temperature TI and the temperature increased to T2 at constant pressure p2:Assuming Cp# f ( T) , a [ = + ( $ ) I = volume expansiv-P itY#f(p). Combining Eqs. 4 and 5 , and dropping the subscript AB gives: