Abstract:The proximate analysis and the phytochemical constituents were investigated in Magnifera, Morinda lucida, Parquetina nigrescens, Oscmium gratissimum, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Veronia amygaldalina using standard reference methods. The proximate analysis in % showed that Chenopodium ambrosioides had the highest amount of ash content of 17.30 and moisture content of 89.40 while Magnifera indica had the lowest amount of ash content 12.04 and moisture content 68.40. Veronia amygaldalina had the highest amount of protein 30.02 and carbohydrate 54.00 while Parquetina nigrescens had the least amount of protein 25.06 and carbohydrate 40.23. Parquetina nigrescens had the highest amount of crude fibre of 25.05 while Chenopodium ambrosioides had the highest amount of crude fat 18.22. The moisture content was found to be 89.40%, ash content 17.30, fat 18.22%, protein 30.02%, crude fibre 25.05% and carbohydrate 54.00%. The phytochemical constituents indicated flavonoid 28.58% alkaloid 25.84% and tannin 2.94% in Magnifera indica, Veronia amygaldalina and Morinda lucida respectively. The presence of high secondary metabolites in the leaves are good indication that if the plant is subjected to further research such as identification and characterization of plant, bioactive compounds with strong biological activities may be isolated and novel compounds may also be identified.