Microglia are a key component of the inflammatory response in the brain and are associated with senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although there is evidence that microglial activation is important for the pathogenesis of AD , the role of microglia in cerebral amyloidosis remains obscure. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between -amyloid deposition and microglia activation in APP23 transgenic mice which express human mutated amyloid- precursor protein (PP) under the control of a neuron-specific promoter element. Light microscopic analysis revealed that the majority of the amyloid plaques in neocortex and hippocampus of 14-to 18-month-old APP23 mice are congophilic and associated with clusters of hypertrophic microglia with intensely stained Mac-1-and phosphotyrosinepositive processes. No association of such activated microglia was observed with diffuse plaques. In young APP23 mice , early amyloid deposits were already of dense core nature and were associated with a strong microglial response. Ultrastructurally , bundles of amyloid fibrils , sometimes surrounded by an incomplete membrane , were observed within the microglial cytoplasm. However , microglia with the typical characteristics of phagocytosis were associated more frequently with dystrophic neurites than with amyloid fibrils. Although the present observations cannot unequivocally determine whether microglia are causal , contributory , or consequential to cerebral amyloidosis , our results suggest that microglia are involved in cerebral amyloidosis either by participating in the processing of neuron-derived PP into amyloid fibrils and/or by ingesting amyloid fibrils via an uncommon phagocytotic mechanism. In any case, our observations demonstrate that neuron-derived PP is sufficient to induce not only amyloid plaque formation but also amyloid-associated microglial activation similar to that reported in AD. Moreover, our results are consistent with the idea that microglia activation may be important for the amyloid-associated neuron loss previously reported in these mice.
(Am J Pathol 1999, 154:1673-1684)Substantial evidence supports the view that processing of the amyloid- precursor protein (PP) and accumulation of the amyloid- peptide (A) in the brain of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients is crucial to the pathophysiology of the disease. 1,2 Senile amyloid plaques in AD brains are surrounded and infiltrated by activated microglia, which acquire an amoeboid morphology and express various proteins involved in the central nervous system inflammation. [3][4][5] The tight association of amyloid fibrils and microglia has suggested that microglia are somehow involved in either the formation or the phagocytosis of amyloid fibrils. 3,6 -10 Activation of microglia is thought to induce an inflammatory response in the central nervous system and to be a mediator of the amyloid-associated neurodegeneration in AD brain. 11,12 The involvement of inflammation in the progress of AD is underlined by clinical studies showing...