In recent years, concerns about electrical energy supply have led to the extensive use of renewable energy sources (RESs). In addition to all the benefits and reasons that justify the unlimited use of RESs, the unplanned exploitation of these sources can challenge the reliability indices of the power system. Demand‐side management (DSM) by demand response programs (DRPs) is one of the most effective and powerful measurements to provide flexibility for the system. DRPs can change the pattern of customer consumption as well as the shape of the load curve. In this study, a novel time‐based demand response model is proposed to control the slope of demand changes. Consequently, dynamic/fixed pricing models with a controllable time step are extracted. These models are implemented on experimental networks, and the results are analyzed and presented for three cases. According to the desired model, the electricity price management at particular hours of the day affects the behavior of the consumers, and it reduces the steep slope in the net‐load ramping curves (62.5% and 50% reduction in peak to valley (P2V) distance for hourly curve and daily curve, respectively).