“… Crowden and Broom, 1980 , Shigin, 1986 , Chappell et al, 1994 ). The effects of lens infecting diplostomids have been reported widely, although few histopathological studies of the lens or other infected eye tissues are available ( Williams, 1967 , Chappell, 1967 , Lester and Huizinga, 1977 , Shariff et al, 1980 , Grobbelaar et al, 2015 , Stumbo and Poulin, 2016 , Griffin et al, 2017 ). Typical alterations and lesions documented from eyefluke infection in the lens are exophthalmia, local haemorrhage, lens cataract, thickening or complete destruction of the lens, reduced fish growth, emaciation and deformities of the vertebral column.…”