In this paper, we define time-independent modifiers to construct a long-range scattering theory for a class of difference operators on Z d , including the discrete Schrödinger operators on the square lattice. The modifiers are constructed by observing the corresponding Hamilton flow on T * T d . We prove the existence and completeness of modified wave operators in terms of the above mentioned time-independent modifiers.In Section 2, we construct modified wave operators with time-independent modifiers, which are proposed by Isozaki and Kitada [6], so called Isozaki-Kitada modifiers. Isozaki-Kitada modifiers are formally defined byWe construct J as an operator of the formwhere the phase function ϕ is a solution to the eikonal equationin the "outgoing" and "incoming" regions and considered in Appendix A.The next theorem is our main result.Theorem 1.5. Under Assumptions 1.1 and 1.3, there exists an operator J of the form (1.3) such that, for any Γ ⋐ h 0 (T d )\T, the modified wave operators. Examples 1.6. i) In [11], a long-range scattering theory of the standard difference Laplacian H 0 u[x] = − 1 Hence, with the help of a partition of unity {ψ j } J j=1 on T d , we observe