7Triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) is a promising cereal for malting and brewing due to its high 8 levels of α-amylase and proteolytic activity and low gelatinization temperatures. However, almost no 9 investigation about its protein modifications during malting has been conducted. In this work, triticale 10 proteins during the malting process were separated and analyzed according to their isoelectric point 11 and molecular weight (MW) and to their solubility and MW. Moreover, the composition of free amino 12 acids was determined. The results describe the modification changes of the different protein fractions 13 during malting. Triticale proteins were found between 4,700 and 64,000. The majority of the proteins 14 were characterized as having isoelectric point between 5.08 and 6.63. The Osborne factionation 15 revealed an albumin band pattern of between 13,400 and 153,800, globulin from 12,700-152,300, 16 gliadin from 14,500-230,100 and glutenin from 11,200 and 102,200. Free amino acids increased in 17 concentration during malting except for asparagine, which decreased. Asparagine exhibited varying 18 trends during malting. This paper contributes to the understanding of the protein modifications and 19 metabolic changes during the malting process of triticale and indicates the potential of this cereal for 20 the production of cereal-based products.