Tetrahymena in the log phase of growth were pulse labeled with uridine-3 H, fixed in aceticalcohol, extracted with DNase, and embedded in Epon . 0 .5-µ sections were cut, coated with Kodak NTB-2 emulsion, and developed after suitable exposures. Grains were counted above macronuclei, above 1000 micronuclei, and above 1000 micronucleus-sized "blanks" which were situated next to micronuclei in the visual field by means of a camera lucida . An analysis of grain counts showed that micronuclei were less than ?200o as active as macronuclei on the basis of grains per nucleus . Since micronuclei contained, on the average, about ?s0 as much DNA as macronuclei, micronuclear DNA had less than 1 o of the specific activity of macronuclear DNA in RNA synthesis. However, even this small amount of apparent incorporation was not significantly different from zero . Comparisons of the frequency distributions of labeled micronuclei with those of micronuclear "blanks" showed no evidence of a small population of labeled nuclei such as might be expected if micronuclei synthesized RNA for only a brief portion of the cell cycle . We conclude from these studies that there is no detectable RNA synthesis in Tetrahymena micronuclei during vegetative growth and reproduction .