Microelements are an important issue in agriculture, due to their need as micronutrients for plants and also to the possibility of the build-up of toxic levels for plants and animals. Five micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) are routinely determined in soil analysis for advisory purposes. Other four elements (Cd, Cr, Pb, and Ni) are considered environmentally important heavy metals in farmland soils. Thus high contents of these metals in cropland might go eventually unnoticed. In this paper we present an approach that can be used to monitor the contents of the nine elements in farmland soils using advisory soil testing. A total of 13,416 soil samples from 21 Brazilian states, 58% of them from the state of São Paulo, sent by farmers were analyzed. Boron was determined by hot water extraction and the other metals were determined by DTPA (pH 7.3) extraction. The ranges of content, given in mg dm -3 soil, were the following: B, 0.01-10.6; Cu, 0.1-56.2; Fe, 0.5-476; Mn, 1-325; Zn, 1-453; Cd, 0.00-3.43, Cr, 0.00-42.9; Ni, 0.00-65.1; Pb, 0.00-63.9. The respective average values for São Paulo were: B-0.32; Cu-2.5; Fe-36; Mn-16; Zn-4.8; Cd-0.02; Cr-0.03; Ni-0.18; Pb-0.85. For other states the results are in the same ranges. The higher values are indicative of anthropogenic inputs, either due to excess application of fertilizers or to industrial or mining activities. The conclusion is that massive chemical analysis of farmland soil samples could serve as a database for indicating potential micronutrient deficiency and excesses or heavy metal buil-up in croplands, allowing preventive actions to be taken. Key words: soil analyses, micronutrients, heavy metals, deficiency, toxicity, interpretation limits
USO DA ANÁLISE DE ROTINA PARA MONITORAR A CONCENTRAÇÃO DE METAIS PESADOS E BORO EM SOLOSRESUMO: Microelementos têm um papel importante na agricultura, devido à sua essencialidade para plantas e também à possibilidade de serem tóxicos às plantas e aos animais. Os cinco micronutrientes (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, e Zn) são comumente determinados nas análises rotineiras de solos com finalidade de recomendação de adubação. Os outros quatro elementos (Cd, Cr, Pb, e Ni) são metais pesados importantes para os solos agrícolas e não são normalmente determinados em amostras de solos enviadas pelos agricultores. Portanto, altos teores desses metais pesados em terras agricultáveis poderão passar despercebidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi usar a análise de rotina de solo para monitorar o teor dos nove elementos em amostras de solo. Um total de 13.416 amostras de solo de 21 estados brasileiros, sendo 58% delas originárias do estado de São Paulo, foram analisadas. O boro foi determinado usando a água quente e os outros metais foram extraídos pelo DTPA (pH 7,3). Considerando todas as amostras, as faixas dos teores, em de mg dm -3 foram: