Microbial diversity is an essential aspect of any ecosystem on earth.
Microorganisms are the most common and diversified population in the soil. A microbe
is a microscopic organism that can be studied in a single-cell or colony. On the other
hand, microbes have a positive or negative effect on their surroundings. Microbial
diversity plays an essential role in bioremediation, which is the method of detoxifying
or neutralizing radioactive waste into less harmful or non-toxic compounds by
secreting various bacterial and fungal enzymes. In this chapter, we focus on (i) the
impact of microbial diversity on detoxifying pollutants (bioremediation), (ii) microbial
role in biofuel production, (iii) microbial role in ore leaching (bioleaching), (iv)
microbial role in controlling biogeochemical cycles (v) microbial role in soil quality
and agriculture improvement (vi)