Polyoxometalates (POMs) are anionic metal oxide clusters with several to a few tens of negative charges, and their structural and electronic versatility has resulted in various applications in the fields of catalysis, biomedicine, and materials science. [1] However, these hydrophilic clusters are basically incompatible with hydrophobic organic materials and have high lattice energies associated with crystallization. Therefore, further fabrication of POM-based materials and devices requires manipulating the clusters on the nanoscale through solution-based self-assembly.The surface properties of POMs can be modified by replacement of the countercations with cationic surfactants to form surfactant-encapsulated clusters (SECs). [2] The resultant SECs are soluble in organic media and facilitate fabrication of POM-based thin films such as Langmuir monolayers, Langmuir-Blodgett films, and solvent-cast films. On the other hand, ionic block copolymers are macromolecular analogues of conventional ionic surfactants. They can self-assemble into regular and reverse micellelike nanosized aggregates in aqueous media and nonpolar organic solvents, respectively. [3] The morphologies of the aggregates primarily depend on the incompatibility between blocks, block compositions, and solvents.Poly(styrene-b-4-vinyl-N-methylpyridinium iodide), S n -b-V m , with long S and short V blocks can form multiple morphologies of aggregates (i.e., sphere, cylinder, and bilayer) on dispersion in water. [4] However, only reverse spherical micelles have been reported for this block ionomer family in toluene. [5] Combination of S n -b-V m with oppositely charged block ionomers leads to formation of asymmetric vesicles. [6] Here we report the preparation of POM/block copolymer composites and their self-assembly into micelles and vesicles in organic solvents. The micelles reach the superstrong segregation (SSS) regime, where the ionic core radii correspond to the length of fully stretched V blocks, the interface is totally occupied by S/V junction points, and no more space is available to incorporate chains. [7] The POM/S n -b-V m (SVP) composites ( Figure 1) were prepared by electrostatic incorporation of POMs into solid S n -b-V m matrices as follows: Na 3 [a-PW 12 O 40 ] was dissolved in water and the pH value modified to 0.7-0.8 with aqueous HNO 3 . [8] This solution was added to a suspension of S n -b-V m powder (n = 240, m = 65; n = 480, m = 57; and n = 1171, m = 206) in water. The resultant mixture was vigorously stirred for 3 d and the solid product collected (SVP-1 to SVP-7). The IR spectra of the composites showed the characteristic bands of both [a-PW 12 O 40 ] 3À and block ionomers. [9] The compositions of SVP-1-SVP-7 and parameters such as the weight fractions of POM (W POM ) and hydrophilic volumes (V h ) are listed in Table 1.Since the S blocks are soluble in toluene and the V blocks in combination with POM are insoluble in toluene, the selfassembled morphologies of these composites in toluene were studied with transmission electron m...