[1] UARS observations bearing upon the NO x /NO y and NO x /HNO 3 ratios were revisited within the framework of advances in laboratory studies that were spurred by the findings, around 1999, of considerable model underestimation of the observations. The objective was to study the two models of the OH, NO 2 association reaction, one that considers the single HNO 3 product channel and the other that considers dual HNO 3 and HOONO products channels. Rate coefficients of the OH + HNO 3 and the single-channeled OH + NO 2 ! HNO 3 reactions recommended in JPL00-3 produce remarkably improved agreement between the modeled and observed NO x /HNO 3 and NO x /NO y , compared to the case with the recommendations in JPL-97. This agrees with the results of other previous studies, such as those using the Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer and MkIV data. The consumption of OH, NO 2 pair in the lower stratosphere via the three-body association occurs at almost the same rate (within ±5%) whether the singleor the double-channeled version of that process is used with rate coefficients from JPL00-3. However, only 70-80% of this consumption yields HNO 3 in the dual-channeled version, compared to 100% in the case of the single-channeled version. Consequently, the dualchanneled model of HNO 3 formation performs better than the single-channeled model in predicting NO x /HNO 3 and NO x /NO y ratios. At 46.4 mbar, for example, the mean percentage difference between the modeled and the observed NO x /HNO 3 equals about À10%, if HOONO is included. The corresponding number is about À19% when HOONO is excluded. Because laboratory experiments on OH, NO 2 association that directly detect HOONO isomer are still maturing, further studies are needed. Further studies are also needed to understand the intriguing tendency of the model-measurement differences to maximize around 20 mbar.INDEX TERMS: 0317 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Chemical kinetic and photochemical properties; 0322 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Constituent sources and sinks; 0340 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Middle atmosphere-composition and chemistry; KEYWORDS: OH, NO 2 association reaction, NO x /NO y ratio, HOONO channel, HOONO conformers, HNO 3 formation mechanism, NO x /HNO 3 ratio Citation: Prasad, S. S., A modeling study of the stratospheric NO x /NO y and NO x /HNO 3 ratios: Single-versus dual-channeled mode of OH, NO 2 association,