Recent experiments demonstrated that GaAs/AlAs based micropillar cavities are promising systems for quantum optomechanics, allowing the simultaneous three-dimensional confinement of nearinfrared photons and acoustic phonons in the 18-100 GHz range. Here, we investigate through numerical simulations the optomechanical properties of this new platform. We evidence how the Poisson's ratio and semiconductor/vacuum boundary conditions lead to very distinct features in the mechanical and optical three dimensional confinement. We find a strong dependence of the mechanical quality factor and strain distribution on the micropillar radius, in great contrast to what is predicted and observed in the optical domain. The derived optomechanical coupling constants g 0 reach ultra-large values in the 10 6 rad/s range.The study of mechanical systems in their quantum ground state motivates the development of novel optomechanical resonators with frequencies higher than a few GHz. [1][2][3][4] In this particular frequency range, standard cryogenic techniques become sufficient to reach the quantum regime without relying on additional sideband optical cooling. Recently, GaAs/AlAs pillar microcavities have been presented as new optomechanical resonators performing in the unprecedented 18-100 GHz mechanical frequency range, showing highly promising features such as state-of-the-art quality factor-frequency products.5 Well known for their optical properties, micropillar cavities confine light in the three directions of space. They are widely used in non-linear optics, taking advantage of the strong optical non-linearities in GaAlAs semiconductors, 6-8 in optical simulations based on quantum well cavity polaritons, 9-12 and in solid state quantum optics where single quantum dots constitute highly coherent artificial atoms. 13,14 This diversity of optical applications opens a wide range of possibilities in the field of optomechanics, such as the creation of nonclassical and entangled photonic and mechanical states, 1 and the development of hybrid quantum devices that interface usually incompatible degrees of freedom by means of phonons. 15,16 Their properties as optomechanical resonators thus need to be explored to determine the acoustic confinement mechanism, and the optimal optomechanical coupling conditions. Mechanical micropillars were previously studied both theoretically and