Publications describing microplasmas, which are commonly defined as plasmas with at least one dimension in the submillimeter range, began to appear to the scientific literature about 20 years ago. As discussed in a recent review by Schoenbach and Becker [1], interest and activities in basic microplasma research as well as in the use of microplasma for a variety of application has increased significatly over the past 20 years. The number of papers devoted to basic microplasma science increased by an order of magnitude between 1995 and 2015, a count that excludes publications dealing exclusively with technological applications of microplasmas, where the microplasma is used solely as a tool. In reference [1], the authors limited the topical coverage largely to the status of microplasma science and our understanding of the physics principles that enable microplasma operation and further stated that the rapid proliferation of microplasma applications made it impossible to cover both basic microplasma science and their application in a single review article.Some microplasmas are thermal in nature, where the gas temperature is far above the room temperature and is approaching the electron temperature. Another group of microplasmas is nonthermal (also referred to as nonequilibrium or "cold"), with gas temperatures much below electron temperatures. Their electron energy distribution contains a tail of high energy electrons, which causes high excitation, ionization, and dissociation rates. Research into nonthermal microplasmas has enjoyed an enormous growth in the past two decades. These plasmas are particularly attractive for a plethora of applications because they can be operated stably at high gas pressures, in rare gases as well as in molecular gases and gas mixtures, operated in a direct current (dc) mode as well as in pulsed dc and alternate current (ac) modes. Modeling and improved diagnostics have allowed us in the past decade to gain more insight into the specific properties of nonthermal micro-plasmas. Electron densities exceeding 10 16 cm −3 have been measured in pulsed microplasmas [1]. Gas temperatures, on the other hand, can be close to room temperature at low currents in rare gases and generally reach not more than 2000 K in atmospheric-pressure air microplasmas. With discharge voltages of a few hundred volts, and current densities on the order of a