“… Purchased from local market | Necropsy, digestion (10 Mol. L−1 NaOH, 120 h), sieving (0.075 μm mesh) | Microscopy | Cleaning of worksurfaces, blank control | 38.3 MPs.individual −1 | [ 54 ] | S. aequifasciatus | Experiment | Lyophilization, digestion (HNO 3 , 70 °C, 2 h) | Fluorescence spectroscopy | – | – | [ 11 ] |
S. aequifasciatus | Experiment | – | – | – | – | [ 45 ] |
Sediment |
River sediment | Van Veen grab | Sieving (63 μm mesh), digestion (H 2 O 2 , room temperature, 24 h), flotation (1.70 kg.L −1 ZnCl 2 ), filtration (18 μm mesh) | Microscopy | Use of non-plastic instruments | 417–8178 MP kg −1 | [ 19 ] |
Beach sediment | Hand trowel | Sieving (2000 and 500 μm meshes) | Microscopy | Not described | 987–761 MP kg −1 | [ 44 ] |
Beach sediment | Excavation of quadrants | Sieving (250, 500 and 5000 μm meshes), flotation (1.15 kg.L −1 NaCl), filtration | Microscopy | Plastic cover on microscope, petri dishes to airborne contamination | 492.5 MP m −3 | [ 18 ] |
Beach sediment | Excavation of quadrants | Sieving (300 μm mesh),... |