We present a review of the determination of residual stresses in materials and components of industrial interest by using the non-destructive technique of neutron diffraction. The fundamental aspects are discussed, together with a brief description of the experimental facilities. Several experimental results are then reported, particularly concerning applications to materials and components for power plants (CrMo steel, AISI304 stainless steel and 2.25Cr1Mo ferritic steel), aerospace and automotive technology (Al alloys, metal matrix composites, nickel superalloy gas-turbine components) and fusion-reactor technology (AISI316L for the first wall). A few thermomechanical treatments are considered, such as welding, cold-expanded holes, thermoelastic coupling and thermal and mechanical fatigue. Moreover, a few applications to general industrial problems are shown, namely brazed ceramic-steel components, coatings and fatigue-cracked samples. In some cases, experimental results are compared with numerical models or results from x-ray diffraction measurements.